
Die Gemeinden im Cilento


The origin of this name is quite poetic Ascea seems to derive fronr The Greek word a-skaidon, meaning "a piace with no shadow" bathec in sunsnine. And in fact, The town of Ascea is in an ideai position or top of a small hiti looking overthe sea. The town was founded by thf citizens of The nearby settlement of Velia, in The 13"' century, and r developed fully in The following two centuries, which gave The towr its particular arcmtectural and artistic appearance. The municipali^ of Ascea also includes four small suburbs: Catona. Mandia, Terradu-ra and Marina di Ascea. The town has a very interesting archaeolog ical park where recent excavations bave uncovered (he enti rè pian o1 The ancient city. The historical churches of Michele Arcangelo, Sar Nicola and Santa Sofia, and The beautifut buildings: Palazzo Alario Palazzo Torrusio and Ferolla are The main attractions of Ascea's channing town centre.
Via Ianni, 16
84043 Agropoli (SA)
Telefon: +39 328 8967794