
Die Gemeinden im Cilento


The town has developed over the ancient Lucan village known as Vibo ad Siccam. Like many centres of this area Vibonati fell under the dominationofthe Normans.sufferedduringthebarbarianinvasions and was finally ruled for centuries by a succession of powerfui feu- dal lords. This area was also one of the main battlegrounds of the Cilento insurrections of 1848. In 1860, the town received a very high profile guest: Giuseppe Garibaldi. The private residence of the De Nicolelis family stili bears an inscription to celebrate his stay in their house. The munidpality of Vibonati includes the maritime resort of Villammare, well known for its beaches and marine life ideai for scuba diving. The locai landmark of Torre Petrosa, was built by the Saracens. The town also offers the opportunity to see the historic Church of Sant'Agostino Abate, the elegant Palazzo Bello, the monu- mentai fountain and the Convent dedicated to Saint Francis.
Via Ianni, 16
84043 Agropoli (SA)
Telefon: +39 328 8967794